
Wednesday, April 25, 2012

The Many Faces of the Little Boy on the Prairie

Lesson trying to fix a typo in the original version of this post with my iPhone, I accidently deleted the entire thing!  So I'm going to try to re-create the original, because I was quite pleased with all but that one misspelling :)

Here we go, again...

The little boy on the prairie will be 10 months old next week.  He is a joy. He is a lot of work. He is many miracles rolled into one little human.

He has red hair. This means the Bedgar genes are strong with this one.

He is getting teeth...see...all the better to bite me with, my dear.

He is inquisitive.  So am I. Where did he get that scratch on his cheek anyway?

He is determined.

So much so that he found a loose piece of trim in the hallway and ripped it off.

Then he tried to eat it.



This face? This is the "I'm gonna change your world, Mama" face.

He has.
For the better.

I love him so.

"...I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly." John 10:10, King James Version

The Wee Wilson's- Foolin' Around on April Fools

Has it really been this long since I put up a post!? Gee, I wonder why...maybe it's because we've been scrambling to get ready to plant our crop, or yet another round of the flu bug came through, or we took some time to celebrate the Easter season and that our risen Lord has freed us from sin, or perhaps, it was because I decided that the piles of laundry and dishes just HAD to go...I think it was a little of all of these, but either way, I'm putting up a few fun posts of our family being just us these past few weeks.

Here are a few fun pics of the Wee Wilson's fooling around on April Fools!  April Fools isn't just any day around here, it is my dear Grandpa Thomas' birthday, and although we miss him dearly, I know he is getting such a kick out of watching these little hooligans from heaven :)

Retro 80's boy.

Yep, that lasted about three seconds.

C.W.  jumped in for a kiss. That didn't go so well.  Oh, and my children are walking billboards on any given day. Want your business advertised? Just give them temporary tattoos! Fun Fact: Bobcat's are made in Gwinner, North Dakota. See :) 

I think he enjoys conversation from a bit of a distance instead of being covered in girl germs :)

This is the "I can't believe you made me wear polka dot GIRL sunglasses, Mama!" face.

The wee redhead couldn't bear the sound of sister and brother having so much fun without her, so she decided to join the party :)
 Did you get fooled on April Fools Day? I did: C.W. told me, "Mama, today you get a nap!...APRIL FOOLS!"  She was right. No nap, but lots of laughs.

Thanks for stopping by!

Monday, April 2, 2012

When In Doubt Look Up!

Our wee redhead at just a few months of age.  Time has flown- she's now three :)

These days I see so many people struggling.  Children with cancer and rare diseases.  Babies in intensive care.  Young parents trying to care for them.  An overwhelming amount of illness and opression in our world.  To all those who are facing a challenge today, I share with you these words of encouragement.  My friend, if you are feeling weak, doubtful, or discouraged, look up! 

"I can do all things through Christ, who strengthens me" - Philippians 4:13

God Bless!
Sarah :)