
Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Frosty Winter Wonderland on the Wilson Farm

Last February, I blogged about a frosty morning on our farm.

A few weeks ago I pulled into our farmyard to find another picturesque frosty winter wonderland.  The air seemed almost blue and it was completely still and silent.  The kind of peacefulness you can only find on the prairie.

I snapped these pics with my iPhone.  Let's be honest, I don't carry a camera since I was given this phone...thanks for the "iloveyouPhone", Jeremy Wilson :)

Hope you enjoy these and I hope they give you a little virtual breath of the fresh air and peace we enjoy here on our farm on winter mornings (before any equipment is running :)

In the background you may notice some construction going on. We're giving the old Wilson farm house a new life :)


Grandpa Wilson fashioned this mail box post from one of the stall dividers from the old barn that housed the family's dairy cows.

More agricultural relics...

An old steam shovel scoop.  It's massive.

No rain in the gauge today :)

 I was impressed at the difference in the frost thickness on each side of the branch.

God's handiwork sure is amazing.  What beauty he gives us each day, but it's up to us to choose to enjoy it.

Sarah :)

"It was You who set all the boundaries of the earth; You made both summer and winter."
Psalm 74:17

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Pioneer Woman, Please Visit North Dakota!!!

This post is part of an effort by a group of North Dakota bloggers to get the attention of Ree Drummond, "The Pioneer Woman", in hopes that she will come share her wit and wisdom with us and get to experience our "Legendary" state first hand!
Dear Ree,
I hope this note finds things going well on your ranch!  It seems you have become a part of our daily life on our farm and in our home.  A good friend of mine, Val, over at the Wag'n Tales blog in Monango, North Dakota gave me your first cookbook, and I just bought your second cookbook for myself. I'm itching to cook my way through this second one as well!
The girls and I caught a few minutes of your television show on Sunday before church and boy were they ever excited to see "the real Charlie!!!" of your children's book series. We gave your "Charlie" books for Christmas to many friends and family members  this year.
Can't thank you enough for all you've done to make me a better cook and your efforts to promote a better understanding of agriculture. I especially liked the recent post "Working the Fall Calves" by your husband, "Marlboro Man".
Although it's cold here this time of year...
...I promise if you visit, you'll be greeted by many warm hearts and we're all eager to meet you!
(Photo Credit: Janice Person at
For more about our great state, take a look at my winning essay for the "WHY I LUV ND" contest from a few years back.
Since you love food and cooking so much, you might be happy to know that North Dakota consistently ranks number one in the nation in the production of at least a dozen different agriculture commodities. We'd be happy to give you a tour of the foods produced locally, especially Brownings Honey and Dakota Growers Pasta...Mmmm :)

Hope to meet you soon! In the meantime, keep on sharing those recipes that include butter and bacon! We raise a lot of feedstuffs for the wonderful creatures that make them!
Sarah & Jeremy Wilson and the "Wee Wilson's"