
Tuesday, October 4, 2011

JP Loves Cotton!

I am often reminded of how diverse agriculture really is.  I am generally focused on the production of food, but there is SO much more to agriculture, including, fuel, pharmaceuticals, and fiber.  One of those wonderful fibers is COTTON.  I LOVE COTTON!  I love wearing it, I love how easily it washes, I love that it comes from farm fields right here in the good old USA.  But noone I ever met loves cotton as much as JP loves cotton. 

I met JP at the 2010 Ag Chat 2.0 training in Chicago.  I think she smiled the entire weekend.  She's my kind of gal. 

If you like my blog and following my random adventures raising kids, corn, wheat, soybeans, pinto beans and cover crops, but would be interested in slightly more urban flair, and array of different agricultural products (like rice) you've GOT to check out JP's blog:

Special THANKS to JP for mentioning me as one of the "Farm Mom Blogs" she reads (I'm a latecomer in the comments section).

Oh, and special thanks to JP for snapping this rare footage of the elusive Val Wagner and I in the wild :)


  1. Wow! What a great compliment Sarah! I love reading about all the different areas of agriculture and can't begin to tell you how much I've learned about North Dakota in the last two years! CRAZY AMOUNTS! And I've met more people from the state through social media than I would have guessed even lived there!

  2. You're welcome JP! You deserve it- your blog ROCKS! I'd say it's about time you visit North Dakota hun!
