
Monday, August 30, 2010

Agvocacy 2.0 Training

Today and tomorrow I'm in Chicago to attend the first "Agvocacy 2.0 Training". This training has resulted from a group called the AgChat Foundation. What is that, you ask? Check out:

I'm grossly oversimplifying many, many hours that AgChat Foundation directors did behind the scenes, but basically, through an application process, 50 people from across the United States were selected to attend a two-day training seminar in Chicago on utilizing social media to promote an understanding of agriculture

I'm extremely honored to be a part of the group of agricultural advocates, or"agvocates", that the AgChat Foundation selected and I am looking forward to an information-packed two days and the opportunity to network in person with so many people I've been "facebooking" and "tweeting" these past few months!

Another fun fact is that there are two other North Dakotans in attendance! Paul Anderson of Coleharbor, ND and Val Wagner of Monango, ND. I'm excited for the three of us to return to ND and start spreading the word about what we have learned here in Chicago!

Also, a special THANK YOU to the North Dakota Corn Growers Association ( for their $250 sponsorship, which has helped to pay for a portion of the registration fee for this event.


  1. So excited to hear more about your time in Chicago! Happy Birthday.

  2. THANKS Katie! It was an AWESOME experience! and my birthday was pretty great too :)
