
Friday, February 3, 2012

Frosty Morning on the Farm

"Be still and know that I am God..." Psalm 46:10. 

This morning it was about 23 degrees out with heavy fog.  This, along with my baby boy not being at the top of his game, changed my plans for the day completely.  I was supposed to be blogging from the Dakota Grown Conference the Department of Agriculture is putting on in Fargo, but I decided to skip the 100 mile drive and stick close to home.

I have to admit that I started out the day feeling pretty disappointed, but there's nothing like the tranquility of a farm on a foggy morning with beautiful frost on the trees to set a person straight.

Well, that AND spending some time with my assistant farm cat caretaker :) 

Here Miss C.W. greets C.T., otherwise known as "Coon Tail" ..."because he has dark gray stripes on his tail." We also have the calico named "Rainbow Tail", the orange cat named "Orange Tail" and the striped cat named "Stripey Tail"...are you sensing a pattern here? :)

In other news, the "big blue tractor" (New Holland 9882) is getting new tires. If you think tires on your car are expensive, consider that this beast requires 8 of these huge tires.

Believe me you do NOT want to see the bill for this (and neither do I, ha!).  Ever wonder why your food costs are going up? Consider the enormous increase in the costs of inputs farmers have experienced in recent years.

 Thanks for stopping by!  Hope you have a wonderful weekend!
- Sarah :)


  1. I can't wait to ram a deer antler into those new tires. Hopefully those deer don't drop them where I'll be driving this spring.

  2. Love to look at any pictures you post - you live in a very special place - with very special people and pets!!! Love you guys - thanks for feeding America!!!!

    1. That was me Sarah!! Carol Scott!!

  3. Beautiful pictures and beautiful daughter. And to think that I knew Jeremy before he committed to the beautiful family he has now. Saw Lorraine today and she misses Bill alot. He would have loved the beautiful frosty winter day. We all need to cherish this warm and beautiful winter we are having..we just need a little moisture in whatever form.

    Jean Mann
    Jamestown, ND

  4. Let's hope those deer keep their sheds out of your way Jeremy!

    And THANK YOU Carol Scott- always nice to have you stop by our blog for a little visit!

    Jean- Thanks for your comment! We miss Grandpa dearly, and it is tough not seeing Lorraine as much as we used to, although we try to get together as much as possible. Hoping we can kick all of these winter bugs that keep going through our house so we can spend more time with her.
