
Wednesday, June 27, 2012

"I'm Farming and I Grow It" Video Goes Viral!

Three minutes and 22 seconds of awesomeness! This video has gone viral and even got my farming family laughing out loud and dancing around the living room.  Just like the Peterson Brothers of Kansas, we have this much fun on our farm, and I'm happy to see these young men sharing their "passion for their plants" so the rest of the world can get a little glimpse into farming life, set to a catchy beat.

Gotta feed everybody!
- Sarah :)


  1. We saw this here in Michigan, too!!! My kids (6 &5 5) LOVED it!!! We've all been singing "We Farm and we grow it!".

  2. It's so catchy! We're hooked on it! Thanks for sharing, Mary!

  3. These guys are great!!!!!

    As a new farmer and land owner I am PROUD to be a farmer!!!!
