
Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Flabby Farmwife Trains for 5K: Week 1.

Yep, that's me, the Flabby Farmwife.  In the last 6 years, this old body has been pregnant five times, delivered three children, nursed each of those children for almost a year, traveled a gojillion miles, and has been the official "go-fer" on the Wilson Farm, all of which has made keeping a schedule and committing to a working out nearly impossible.

I have reached a new low and so have some of my body parts.  I'm tired a lot and more than "stressed out tired". If I were a cow, the vet would call me "lethargic".  People still call me "thin" (God bless 'em), but I now weigh more than I have ever weighed when not pregnant.  I am still wearing my post baby "fat pants" and the "baby" turned a year old last month.

Bottom line (pun intended): I AM OUT OF SHAPE.

I recently saw a Facebook post about the North Dakota Cattlewomen hosting a 5K and I thought. Now those are MY people.  If other farming and ranching women are going to be hoofin' it (pun intended) then I can do it too. I got this new thing, you may have heard of it, it's called HOPE!

Thankfully, I'm not training alone.  I've got Mrs. D.!

Mrs. D is an old friend from my grad school days and now she ranches about 200 miles west of here.  She too has a crazy busy life and has EVEN MORE children and they're EVEN YOUNGER than mine. Bless her heart!

We're in this thing together and we're either committed or we need to be committed, lol, because it takes some sort of insanity to try to fit working out into our schedules. Through Facebook, we're sharing our training experiences and encouraging each other.

So without further adieu, welcome to a series of blog posts, tracking my progression (and let's be realistic, probably regression at some point) on the journey to the "Beefin' It Up: Fuel up for the Finish" 5K/10K"

I began "training" last week.

Here's how that went:

Day 1. Had a milkshake.

Day 2. Went on "long walk" with the kids.

Pushed baby in stroller up steep incline, while children cheered "Go Mama Go".

Had a tall glass of 1% chocolate milk. This is actually a healthy way to re-fuel after a workout.

Day 3. Went camping with family. Ate s'mores with those jumbo marshmallows. Mmmm...

Day 4. Ate an ice cream sundae with chocolate syrup.

Day 5.  Rested. This training for a 5K is really tough.

Day 6. It hit me.  This is pitiful.  This is not training.  The way I'm going I'm going to be flabbier than when I started.  Sheesh.

Day 7:  Turned over a new leaf.  Dusted off ye olde bicycle.  Aired up tires. Noticed some parts have dry rotted.  Sheesh.  Went on 2 mile bike ride.  Actually broke a sweat.  Felt I could conquer the world.  Well, not the whole world, but MY world. Yay for endorphins!

Bring on week 2! Let's do this thing!

Feel free to leave encouraging comments for Mrs. D and I below! We could really use them!

Sarah :)


  1. Good luck and hang tough! I found the only time I could exercise regularly was at 5:15 in the morning while everyone was still sleeping! Hope you can find a time that works AND allows you to get some rest!

  2. Sarah, I look forward to seeing you at the finish line! Just keep thinking how good it will feel when you cross it. You can do this. Training for a race sometimes means getting off the couch and moving when you just feel like resting. But after moving for 30 mins you'll feel better, mentally and physically, than if you had rested. Rmemeber, this is time for you. Making time for yourself is important. Both you and your family will notice a difference :)

  3. THANKS for the encouragement Dawn and Daren! REALLY appreciate it!
