
Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Meeting Miss America at NDSU Collegiate Farm Bureau Food Awareness Week

In early April 2012, the North Dakota State University Collegiate Farm Bureau Chapter (of which I am proud to be a founding member) hosted their first "Food Awareness Week".

I was flattered when the group asked me to come present as part of this event.

My friend, Katie Pinke  and I tag-teamed that night, which was great fun! 

(Katie writes a fabulous blog over at The Pinke Post !)

First, I gave some background on how the animal rights and environmental movements have gained ground in our nation and described their resources, tactics, and a few specific organizations.  It's important to thoroughly understand what challenges American agriculture is facing if we are to move ahead and prepare ourselves for the future. 

Thanks to Katie for snapping these photos.

Following up on my presentation that motivated the group to take action on behalf of agriculture, Katie presented about social media tools we can to use to tell the story of American agriculture and explain the work we are doing on our farms and ranches.  
From left, Katie Pinke, Marketing and Information Director, ND Department of Agriculture; Karmen Kirkeby, then President of the NDSU Collegiate Farm Bureau; myself. 

The second day of "Food Awareness Week" was a presentation by Teresa Scanlan, Miss America 2011.  My colleague and I brought our daughters along for this one :)  After all, it's not often that Miss America visits North Dakota.

Miss S and Miss CW are very excited to meet Miss America!

The picture C.W. colored for "Miss Amerinca".

These girls were bursting with excitement and the moment they met Miss America was even captured by Dave Wallis, a reporter for the Fargo Forum.
Teresa did a phenomenal job, not only making a dream come true for my little girl, but giving a fantastic presentation about agriculture.
Yes, that's right, Miss America is carrying the torch for America's farmers and ranchers.
As the middle child of seven homeschooled children in rural Nebraska she talked about learning at an early age the importance of farmers and ranchers in her community.  She said "there is a thin green line between a safe, abundant, domestic food supply and imported food", citing that there are 210,000 working farms in the United States, yet there are 925 million people going hungry throughout the world.  Farmers and ranchers have an important job to do, yet they are "being attacked from all angles".
Recently, she joined forces with "The Hand That Feeds U.S." and says that serving as Miss America "was my chance to stand up for what I believe in" and a "chance to represent the farmers and ranchers".
More coverage of the event can be found at the North Dakota Farm Bureau website:
Video here:
Many thanks to the NDSU Collegiate Farm Bureau Chapter for putting together Food Awareness Week and to Miss Teresa Scanlan for being such a dedicated ambassador for American agriculture.
- Sarah :)