It's true, God made a farmer. In fact, the first job assigned to mankind in the Bible was that of a farmer.
Genesis (the first book of the Bible), chapter 1, verse 26 states:
Then God said, "Let us make man in our image, in our likeness, and let them rule over the fish of the sea and the birds of the air, over the livestock, over all the earth, and over all the creatures that move along the ground."
One of my all time favorite recordings is that of Paul Harvey reading the poem "So God Made a Farmer".
I have tried and tried to find the original recording of this and who the author was. Rumor has it that Mr. Harvey read it first at an American Farm Bureau Federation Annual Convention ages ago, but no one at the AFBF office could find it. I've also heard he read it at a National FFA Convention years ago as well.
Either way, this simple, honest, ruggedly beautiful poem has found it's way into an ad in the Super Bowl.
Watch it here:
Here's the irony.
I missed it! Tonight my family arrived home completely exhausted (in that "my brain is full of new and exciting ideas" kind of way) from a stellar North Dakota Farm Bureau Leadership Conference (see for more info).
Upon getting all the children to sleep, and thinking I could finally tune in to the Super Bowl, I realized my middle child is to be the first "snack kid" of the month at preschool in the morning. Alas, we didn't have enough snacks in the house. So I ran to the grocery store "real quick like" and upon pulling back into my garage, my phone started buzzing like mad and my Facebook wall was lighting up with comments like this...
"...the Paul Harvey commercial was for you..."
"Loved the "Farmer" commercial on the Superbowl and thought of you and your family!!"
"How'd you like the farmer ad?"
I immediately thought, WHAT FARMER AD???
Luckily, minutes later, a friend posted the link and I was able to watch the "farmer" commercial, for Dodge Trucks, online.
I have to admit, I teared up watching it, and my heart grew three sizes from so many comments that those images reminded people of me and my family. (Thank you, Facebook friends!)
Tonight, MILLIONS of people around the world heard a recording from decades ago that reflects values and hopes that still ring true on farms and ranches across our nation and around the world.
W.C. "Bill" Wilson (1920-2011) introduces his two year old great-granddaughter to a newborn kitten on our farm. |
Tonight, one company chose to
spend invest a lot of money to honor two things:
God and farmers. This is perhaps not the most politically correct thing to do, but it was right and it was good.
For that I am deeply grateful. Although three of the three (running) pickups on our farm wear the Ford emblem, I have to say, well done,
Dodge, well done.
Sarah :)
p.s. There's another excellent video by using the same Paul Harvey speech here:
AND more of my friends who blog about agriculture are talking about the Dodge ad:
Katie over at "The Pinke Post"
Janice over at "A Colorful Adventure"
Brandi over at Buzzard's Beat
Carrie over at "Dairy Carrie"