I highly recommend you read "Heaven is for Real: A Little Boy's Astounding Story of His Trip to Heaven and Back" by Todd Burpo.
Once in a great while a book comes along that can change your whole outlook on things.
It will make you think.
It will make you rethink.
You will ponder it for days.
This book had that effect on me.
A dear friend gave it to me and said "you just have to read this and when you're finished call me. I want to know what you think about it. I read it and I just can't stop thinking about it".
So I did. I was a bit skeptical, afterall, I'm a busy Mom to two little gals...and a farmwife...and I have to jobs off the farm...and....
Well, I did it. One evening I opened it up and I couldn't stop. I left the baskets of laundry that needed folding piled up on the bed. Jeremy eventually stumbled in from the farm office and went to sleep. I kept reading. I read the ENTIRE BOOK in four hours, which is unheard of for me.
Then I ordered TEN copies to share with friends and family who I knew would appreciate this book or needed to hear little Colton Burpo's story. It brought me such a tremendous sense of peace about some of the losses I have endured in my life, answered some of those questions about heaven that I had always wondered about, and most importantly, it helped me to focus on what is truly important in this temporary life we have here on earth. All who have recieved the book and read it thanked me profusely.
So I'm telling you what my friend told me. You just have to read this book.
Then go read the Bible, because I recommend that over all other books :)
God Bless,
Sarah :)
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